For Cesare Cavalleri and Annalisa Cima
In memory of two protagonists of Italian culture
For Cesare Cavalleri and Annalisa Cima
Cesare Cavalleri (1936-2022), historic editor of Catholic Studies, and poet Annalisa Cima (1941-2019), were united by a great friendship, a passion for books and music and, in particular, a love for the poetry of Eugenio Montale.
These two brilliant and multifaceted intellectuals will be remembered Tuesday, February 18 at 6 pm at the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum.
The evening will open with greetings from Francesca Caruso, councillor for Culture of the Lombardy Region, and will continue with speeches by Silvio Riolfo Marengo and Tiziana Chiusa, president and vice-president of the Cima Foundation, who will trace the junctures of the poet's life and work; This will be followed by papers by Bruno Nacci, writer and literary critic, who will focus on Symptoms of a Context, Cesare Cavalleri's last poetic collection, and by Giuseppe Romano who will trace an overview of the long critical activity of the director of Catholic Studies largely found in his posthumous volume Leadings, a great and very free canon of 20th-century literature.
Moderating the evening will be Alessandro Rivali, editorial director of Edizioni Ares.
During the event, maestro Alfonso di Rosa will perform some music composed especially for Annalisa Cima's latest poetry collection Elegations to the Moon and Der Mond.
Ida Rita Ziliani will be the narrator of the poems of the two writers recalled in the evening.
Translated with (free version)
Milan remembers Cesare Cavalleri and Annalisa Cima, protagonists of culture in the second half of the 20th century
An evening of poetry and music at the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum
Tuesday, February 18 at 6 p.m.
Free admission subject to availability
A reservation is required at 02.82770632 or by email at [email protected]