Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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NOTICE: These documents have been translated in good faith into English only as a courtesy. They are NOT legal documents; ONLY the documents in Italian are legal documents for which please click on “Privacy” at the bottom of our home page in Italian:


For the handling of personal data on the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum site, this page describes the rules accessible from the home page: This document treats the personal information that can be handled by the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum during your navigation of this site, and does not concern other sites or pages that can be consulted via links or that belong to others; you need to read their respective privacy policies.

The Bagatti Valsecchi Museum as the title holder of the data-handling is represented by two co-title holders: -the Fondazione Bagatti Valsecchi Onlus, headquartered in Via Gesù, 5 – 20121, Milan, Italy, CF and PI 03815430156 and -the Associazione Amici del Museo Bagatti Valsecchi, headquartered in via Santo Spirito, 10 – 20121, Milan, Italy, CF: 97178970154. Considering the indissoluble nature of the two legal subjects’ mission, set out in statutes, and their perception of the museum as the single interlocutor, the Fondazione and the Associazione constitute themselves as co-title holders of the handling, and they designate the museum as their point of contact, with its headquarters in Via Gesù, 5, in Milan, Italy, always available at the e-mail: [email protected].


Information spontaneously communicated by the user

This site may gather:

Visitor contact information through the optional, explicit and voluntary sending of messages to the contact addresses indicated on the pages or the compilation of forms. This information is used to respond to the visitors, and the lack of it can lead to the impossibility of the writer obtaining what was requested. The legal bases of the handling is the execution of the contract. The data will be kept for 2 years from the request date. Data submitted spontaneously by the visitor to reserve visits to the museum, consisting generally in contact data, including via e-mail/s to the address: [email protected]. This data is used to respond to visitors, and the lack of it can lead to the impossibility of the writer obtaining what was requested. The legal bases of the handling is the execution of the contract. The data will be kept until the end of the visit, and then cancelled. Identifying data and data of donor payments for those choosing to use one of the donation forms present on the page, and especially for those who use the service PayPal. This data is used to collect and register the donation, and, therefore, is necessary in order to complete the transaction. The legal bases for the handling is the execution of the contract. The data will be kept for the time set out by Italian law (10 years). data of visitors of the museum and/or donors who make themselves known to the museum. The data is gathered during museum visits or on the “Support the museum” page (generally only e-mail addresses). This data may be used by the museum to inform its supporters of current activities in order to promote cultural events and to inform about fund-raising campaigns, including through the sending of periodic newsletters, with the legitimate interest of supporting the activities of the museum, believing that our supporters expect this from us. The data will be treated for this purpose for 2 years from the date of the last visit or donation. Tthe contact information of representatives of companies that donate to the museum, or hold a commercial special event, and of representative journalists with whom our press office is in contact (generally only e-mail addresses). This data may be used by the museum to inform our supporters of current activities, to promote cultural events, and to provide news about fund-raising campaigns, including through the sending of periodic newsletters, believing that our supporters and members of the press expect this of us. The data will be handled for this purpose for 2 years from the date of the last visit or donation. Navigation data gathered without user intervention This site may also gather navigation data (the so-called log files) through software procedures that register some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet protocol communication (for example, IP addresses, the types of browsers, the parameters of the devices that connect to the site, the name of the ISP used, the time and date of access, the URL of the pages requested, the origin page, the number of clicks,…). This data is gathered and managed in the legitimate interest of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum for controlling and guaranteeing the correct and timely functioning of the site and to block attempts to damage it. This data is cancelled 1 month after it is gathered.

Furthermore, the site uses cookies of a technical nature necessary for its functioning, as well as the statistical and profiling cookies of third parties detailed in the document available via a link at the bottom of this document. The statistical and profiling cookies are released only with the consent of the visitor; technical cookies, by definition, are released for the correct functioning of the site.


The data gathered after the consultation of the above listed sites is communicated to:

  • third parties designated as responsible for data handling by the museum for the management of IT services and of the museum’s web site,
  • the marketing e-mail system provider, MailChimp, with the communication of the data to outside of the EU because this provider has adhered to the Privacy Shield,
  • the payment system provider, PayPal, with the communication of the data to outside of the EU because this provider has adhered to the Privacy Shield.


Visitors to the site may at any time exercise their rights, and in particular their rights of access to, and correction, limitation, and oblivion of their personal data, as well as opposing legitimate interests and revoking consent for cookies by sending an e-mail to [email protected], as indicated in the Italian law GDPR, article 15 and subsequent articles.

Furthermore, site visitors always have the right to contact the Italian Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data (Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali) in order to submit a complaint regarding the handling of their own personal data.