Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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Light up the Museum

The crowdfunding event to support the renovation of the lighting system of the Museum

Light up the Museum

The Bagatti Valsecchi Museum renews its lighting system and launches new crowdfunding campaign Light up the Museum.

The solidarity initiative aims to achieve financial coverage for the construction of a new and adequate lighting system for the Museum's halls.

The lighting project studied by architect Margherita Suss of Studio GMS and iGuzzini focuses on two key points: recreating the atmosphere of the rooms conceived by the Bagatti Valsecchi brothers at the end of the 19th century and using the latest technologies in the field of museum lighting to enhance the masterpieces of the collection.

The new light for the Museum is intended to be a dynamic tool: it is a guide, a memory, an accent and tells something special.

**Make a donation of €50 and attend a special evening on Monday, May 27!

All donors will have the opportunity to participate in an exclusive fundraising event with an unmissable programme:

Dance Performancewith dancers from the corps de ballet of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan and the choreography by Andrea Crescenzi.

Standing dinner in the halls of the Museum offered by Alta Tuscia Formaggi, La Fabbrica della Pasta di Gragnano, Cavit and Drype Cocktail Milano.


Light up the Museum

Monday, May 27, 7:30 pm

Fundraising evening to renew the lighting system of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum.

Make your donation of €50 by May 26 to the Bagatti Valsecchi Onlus Foundation by sending your receipt to: [email protected]

IBAN: IT84A0306909606100000062267

Causale: Illumina il Museo 27 maggio 2024

Won't be able to attend the event? Support us on GoFundMe