Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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The museum

From a shared dream to the Bagatti Valsecchi Foundation


The Bagatti Valsecchi Museum is a house-museum result of an extraordinary collection event from the late 19th century starring two brothers: the barons Fausto and Giuseppe Bagatti Valsecchi. Since the 1880s the two brothers dedicated to the renovation of the family home placed in the hear of Milan: a palace located between Gesù street and Santo Spirito street, now in the center of the fashion district. Simultaneously they began to collect 15th and 16th-century paintings and artifacts in order to exhibit them in their house and create a design inspired by the Lombardy 15th century mansions.**


A strict coherence between house and collections, between rooms and the works of art they contain: this is the backbone of the rigorous collecting and living project that the brothers Fausto and Giuseppe Bagatti Valsecchi pursued in their house, inspired by the stately homes of 16th century Lombardy.


A strict coherence between house and collections, between rooms and the works of art they contain: this is the backbone of the rigorous collecting and living project that the brothers Fausto and Giuseppe Bagatti Valsecchi pursued in their house, inspired by the stately homes of 16th century Lombardy.

Guest book

Many visitors were welcomed to Casa Bagatti Valsecchi when it was still a private residence: the 'Casa Artistica' immediately aroused curiosity and interest in scholars, collectors and ordinary people.

The signatures - over 10,000 - preserved in three volumes (from 20 October 1886 to 29 May 1975) are now digitally accessible: thanks to this project, it is possible to research, discover the names, dates and provenance of the guests of Casa Bagatti Valsecchi.

The intention is to facilitate the reconstruction of the extensive web of relationships, at the centre of which lies the story of the two brothers and their family.
