Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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Support museum


Donating to the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum means making your love for art and culture tangible by performing an act of generosity not only towards the museum but also towards the entire civic community. The funds raised will be used to carry out restorations, organize exhibitions, events, and enhance museum facilities.



from 1000 euros


from 2,500 euros


from 2,500 euros



from 5,000 euros


from 10,000 euros


10,000 euros

years for three years

Roll of honour

Each one of us, as a citizen or as an entrepreneur, can make a concrete contribution to preserving the values of art and culture and at the same time become part of an exclusive circle, which will allow him or her to enjoy unique experiences in places reserved for the few.

Help us carry forward the extraordinary project that the Bagatti Valsecchi house museum represents: a place that bears witness not only to Italian and Lombardy's artistic excellence, but also to its ability to welcome and disseminate the various expressions of culture to the most diverse targets, from families to schools, from foreign tourists to local residents.


The Fondazione Museo Bagatti Valsecchi has always been committed to the conservation and protection of its artistic heritage and to create activities capable of enhancing and disseminating various artistic expressions, from the visual to the performing arts.

Drawing inspiration from its identity and history, the Museum aims to be a reference point in the city's panorama, offering formats of high cultural value capable of attracting audiences of different ages, interests, and lifestyles.

Contributions from civil society are therefore essential to give substance to the Museum's vision. A Charitable Bequest to the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum Foundation ensures that people can donate their solidarity to the enhancement of culture.

A Charitable Bequest is an act of freedom capable of giving new life to one’s values, ensuring that they can continue to grow in eternity, inspiring new generations and leaving a fundamental and indelible mark on society. A will, in fact, ensures that one's support can continue to make a difference tomorrow, helping an entity that is akin to one's values and able to take charge of them, nurturing and cherishing them so that in the future everyone can benefit.

More info at [email protected]

Other ways to support the museum



Support art and culture! Sign in the special space in your income tax return reserved for the support of non-profit organisations of social utility (Onlus), which you will find in the 730, UNICO and CUD forms, and the number of the tax code: 5 per thousand tax code of the Foundation: 03815430156


Illumina il Museo is a crowdfunding project that aims to realize a suitable lighting system for the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum, by using innovative solutions designed in respect of the rooms and the 15th- and 19th-century collections that the brothers Fausto and Giuseppe gathered with dedication.

Thanks to the collaboration with iGuzzini and to the design of architect Margherita Suss of Studio GMS, the project will focus on two key points: to recreate the atmosphere desired by the Bagatti Valsecchi brothers in the mid-nineteenth century for their apartments and to use the latest light design technologies in order to enhance the masterpieces of the collection.

By taking part in the new fundraising project Illumina il Museo you will activily contribute to enlight one of the best-preserved museum-houses in Europe, still considered a unicum in the heart of Milan's historic center.


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