Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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Each one of us, as a citizen or as an entrepreneur, can make a concrete contribution to preserving the values of art and culture and at the same time become part of an exclusive circle, which will allow him or her to enjoy unique experiences in places reserved for the few.

Help us carry forward the extraordinary project that the Bagatti Valsecchi house museum represents: a place that bears witness not only to Italian and Lombardy's artistic excellence, but also to its ability to welcome and disseminate the various expressions of culture to the most diverse targets, from families to schools, from foreign tourists to local residents.

For further information please write to [email protected]

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Donate to the Museum via:

  • Bank transfer payable to Fondazione Bagatti Valsecchi Onlus – Banca INTESA SAN PAOLO Fil.55000 Piazza Ferrari 10, Milano - Iban: IT 84 A 03069 09606 100000062267