Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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Friends of the museum

About us

The Association Amici del Museo Bagatti Valsecchi was founded in 1996 with the aim of supporting the Museum in all its cultural initiatives, and with the activities of protection and enhancement of the heritage displayed. The Association had among its first meritorious activities the pioneering creation of a Museum guardian service carried out by passionate and competent volunteers.

Since 2013 Speechati, the Youth Group of the Association Amici del Museo Bagatti Valsecchi, supported the activities of the Association. Speechati organizes events, meetings, cultural aperitifs and guided tours for the members under 40, aiming to make the Museum known to potential young audience. Check out the Youth Association's 2023 formats: Drink and Meet e Murder Mystery

The Association's activities continue today under the leadership of President Anna Maria Bagatti Valsecchi and a board consisting of the following:

PRESIDENT Anna Maria Bagatti Valsecchi

TREASURER Anna Maria Bagatti Valsecchi

VICE PRESIDENT Adriana Colombo Fiore

BOARD OF ARBITRATORS Adriana Colombo Fiore, Mario Fiore, Ruth Westen Pavese

COUNCILLORS Camilla Bagatti Valsecchi, Anna Balatti Folladori, Rosa Maria Bruni Fossati, Paolo Emilio Colao, Carlina Mapelli Mozzi Sala, Cristina Sottotetti, Ruth Westen Pavese



Join the Association Amici del Museo Bagatti Valsecchi! Choose the program that’s right for you and support the Museum!


Eur 10,00

up to 35 years

Ordinary Partner

Eur 40,00

additional family member Euro 20.00

Supporter Partner

Eur 150,00

Additional benefits: 10% discount at the Museum shop Invitation to the Museum's exhibition openings

Giver Partner

Eur 250,00

Additional benefits: 10% discount at the Museum shop Invitation to the Museum's exhibition openings Discounts for guided tours and evenings at the Museum

Patron Partner

Eur 500,00

Additional benefits: 10% discount at the Museum shop Invitation to the Museum's exhibition openings Discounts for guided tours and evenings at the Museum Invitations to special events


FREE ADMISSION Museo Bagatti Valsecchi – Gallerie d’Italia, Milano, Napoli, Vicenza – Fondazione Ugo Da Como, Lonato BS – GAMeC, Bergamo – AMART Arte è Milano - Ingresso gratuito al complesso Monumentale della Pilotta di Parma presentando in biglietteria la tessera Amici del Museo Bagatti Valsecchi

REDUCED ADMISSION Casa-Museo Lodovico Pogliaghi, Varese – Il Vittoriale degli Italiani, Gardone Riviera BS – Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Milano – Museo Diocesano e Complesso di Sant’Eustorgio, Milano – Cinema Arcobaleno, Milano (dal lunedì al venerdì) – Palazzo Vertemate Franchi, Piuro SO – Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venezia

DISCOUNTS Stasera al Museo, rassegna di spettacoli al Museo Bagatti Valsecchi – Tea Talks, lezioni di storia dell'arte al Museo Bagatti Valsecchi - Card delle case-museo di Milano (15,00€) – Teatro Elfo Puccini, Corso Buenos Aires 33 – Teatro Manzoni, Via Manzoni 42 – Teatro Fontana in via Gian Antonio Boltraffio 21 – Teatro Gerolamo in Piazza Beccaria 8 – Ottica Cenisio in via Borgese 1 – Abbonamento Musei Lombardia – Teatro Filodrammatici – MTM Teatro (Teatro Litta e Teatro Leonardo Stagione 22/23: 15€ + prevendita. Per usufruire dell’agevolazione sarà richiesto di esibire in biglietteria il vostro tesserino associativo oppure scrivere o telefonare a [email protected] – – Teatro Menotti (Biglietti ridotti con promozioni dedicate per ogni spettacolo, Menotti Card ricaricabile e riutilizzabile in coppia o singolarmente a 40€. Per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione e per prenotare scrivere una mail a [email protected] o telefonare a 02.365.92.538).

Sconto 30% Sconto sull’online shop di Athison, marchio di Manifattura Domodossola di alta pelletteria: sconto del 30% sul primo acquisto sul sito con un codice speciale riservato ai soci (da richiedere a: [email protected])

** Sconto 20%** Hangar Bicocca: cataloghi istituzionali venduti al bookshop – Teatro Gerolamo, Piazza Beccaria

** Sconto 15%** Libreria Bocca, Libri d’Arte, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele 12


If you love art, beauty and culture join our volunteers group! Our voluntary work was born as part of a project of the Association Amici del Museo Bagatti Valsecchi. The latter sustains the museum's activities thanks to the support of its members and the commitment of its volunteers.



Tax data

Alternatively, you can donate to the Associazione Amici del Museo Bagatti Valsecchi via:

  • Cash
  • Check payable to the Associazione Amici del Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
  • Bank transfer payable to Associazione Amici del Museo Bagatti Valsecchi - Banca INTESA SAN PAOLO Fil.55000 Piazza Ferrari 10, Milano – Iban: IT 15 I030 6967 6845 1074 9168 718