Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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The Bagatti Valsecchi Museum is an acknowledged cultural institution committed to develop various projects in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders. Sponsoring the museum means promoting a combination of activities, cultural programs and events through financial support and/or by providing products/services while defending cultural heritage. It's an opportunity to enhance the visibility of the company by showcasing its vision, cultural intentions, and communication goals.

Entering partnerships, sharing projects, and supporting initiatives of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum results in a significant commitment to art and culture, an act of generosity not only towards the museum but also towards the entire Milanese community.

Given the visibility opportunities resulting from the institutional exhibitions and cultural formats like "Stasera al Museo”, "In arte Veritas" or "Drink and Meet," the museum's marketing department commits to crafting specific agreements based on the partner's institutional and communication needs. The joint projects aim to achieve shared positioning and visibility purposes.

For more information and inquiries: [email protected]


Corporate Membership is a form of ongoing support for the cultural exhibitions and activities of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum. It is designed to create long-term, customizable projects based on the vision, mission, and needs of each corporate organization.

By collaborating with the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum, companies get the opportunity to promote culture, showcase products and services, highlight their strengths, strengthen relationships with their target audience while reaching new areas of interest.

Corporate Membership provides access to programs dedicated to cultural promotion, encourages networking opportunities and enhances the appreciation of excellence. The companies that choose to support the museum can be active participants in a rich program of exhibitions and events about the major themes of art, design, fashion and Made in Italy. They also benefit from exclusive activities held behind closed doors and special occasions.

The costs incurred by companies for sponsorship contracts, under certain conditions, are fully deductible from business income, similar to advertising and promotional expenses, in the fiscal year in which they are incurred.

By collaborating with the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum, companies have the opportunity to promote culture, innovative services and products, stimulate opportunities for relationships, enhance excellence, stimulate dialogue between the world of production, the professional sphere, the city and institutional realities, and offer opportunities for updating and networking.

Becoming a partner of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum means taking part in the rich programme of exhibitions and cultural events and enjoying the possibility of benefiting from moments reserved and closed to the public on unique occasions. Companies become part of the cultural life of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum with ad hoc projects in line with Social Responsibility strategies.

Through corporate membership, companies will be able to access programmes dedicated to cultural promotion, to encourage opportunities for relations and networking, and to enhance excellence. Corporate memberships are designed for the creation of projects customised to the needs and vision of each individual company.

  1. Public speaking: the Museum provides companies with splendid rooms and a large hall equipped to host events for the presentation of projects, products and initiatives.

  2. On-demand itineraries: customised guided tours to bring different targets closer to and involve them in the most innovative companies.

  3. Conventions: pathways for companies to sign agreements so that members and companies registered in the register and in the Amici del Museo Bagatti Valsecchi programme can benefit from products and services on favourable terms.

  4. The shop, a showcase in the quadrilateral: the headquarters in Via Gesù is an excellent spotlight available to companies throughout the year to present projects, products and services.


For more information on the implementation of these projects, contact the Marketing Department to request a dedicated appointment at

The museum's supporters

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