Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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If you love art, beauty and culture join our volunteers group! Our voluntary work was born as part of a project of the Association Amici del Museo Bagatti Valsecchi. The latter sustains the museum's activities thanks to the support of its members and the commitment of its volunteers.


They become part of the Friends of the Museum Association and have access to a range of benefits, conventions and discounts in museums, theatres and cultural institutions.

If between 18 and 40 years of age, they become part of the Young Group of the Friends of the Museum (Speechati), helping to organise events and initiatives to involve other young people in the Museum's activities.

They take care of visitor reception.

They contribute to the work of cultural mediation and guarding the museum rooms.

They carry out the planned activities in shifts according to their availability (Wed, Thu, Fri: afternoon / Sat and Sun: morning or afternoon).