Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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The circuit of houses

The History

Since 2 October 2008, the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum, Casa Boschi di Stefano, Villa Necchi Campiglio and the Poldi Pezzoli Museum have been united in the circuit of Milan's house museums, with the aim of promoting Milan's cultural and artistic heritage through some of its protagonists: the nobles Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli and the brothers Fausto and Giuseppe Bagatti Valsecchi in the 19th century, the Boschi di Stefano couple and the industrialist Necchi Campiglio in the 20th century.

The four museum-houses, all located in the centre of Milan, are united by the generosity of their founders, who made their homes and art collections available to the community, now fascinating places. Visiting them provides an insight into personal stories and choices of taste that also reflect the evolution and transformation of the city's society.

The new museum network, born out of a programme agreement signed in 2004, is realised at the behest of and in collaboration with the Lombardy Region and Milan City Council, and with the support and contribution of Regione Lombardia, Provincia di Milano, Comune di Milano and Fondazione Cariplo.