Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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Paintings Collection

Paintings Collection

Few exceptions aside, the Bagatti Valsecchi painting collection consists of 15th-16th-century panels mainly from Tuscany, Lombardy and, to a lesser extent, the venetian area. The sumptuous domestic set-up places side by side works of great artists – such as the masterpiece of Giovanni Bellini, St. Justine – and pieces by minor masters concerning the areas around Como Lake or the valleys around Bergamo. The Neo-Renaissance frames succeed in balancing the artworks set up in the room and in transforming panels from dismembered polyptychs – a frequent object category in the collection – into enjoyable paintings themselves, managing to lessen their identity as panels once part of a larger articulated piece.

Ritratto del Beato Lorenzo GiustinianiRitratto del Beato Lorenzo Giustiniani

Ritratto del Beato Lorenzo Giustiniani

workshop of Gentile Bellini

second half of 15th century

tempera on wooden panel

Madonna with Child Madonna with Child

Madonna with Child

Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua (Milano 1460 – 1516 ca)

end of the 16th century

tempera on panel, gold- and silver-thread embroidery, stones, enamels, gilded glass, velvet, gilded mail

150 × 93 cm

inv. 980

Saints and AngelsSaints and Angels

Saints and Angels

Antonio Boselli (Bergamo 1480 ca - 1532)


detached fresco mounted on canvas


St. FrancisSt. Francis

St. Francis

school of Bernardo Zenale (Treviglio 1460 – Milano, 1526)


tempera and oil on board

99 × 31.2 cm

inv. 987

St. John the BaptistSt. John the Baptist

St. John the Baptist

Bernardo Zenale (Treviglio 1460 – Milano, 1526)


tempera and oil on panel

99 × 31.2 cm

inv. 988

Saint JustineSaint Justine

Saint Justine

Giovanni Bellini (Venezia 1430 ca – 1516)

1470 ca

tempera on panel

129 × 55 cm

inv. 986

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Ritratto del Beato Lorenzo GiustinianiRitratto del Beato Lorenzo Giustiniani

Ritratto del Beato Lorenzo Giustiniani

workshop of Gentile Bellini

second half of 15th century

tempera on wooden panel

Madonna with Child Madonna with Child

Madonna with Child

Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua (Milano 1460 – 1516 ca)

end of the 16th century

tempera on panel, gold- and silver-thread embroidery, stones, enamels, gilded glass, velvet, gilded mail

150 × 93 cm

inv. 980

Saints and AngelsSaints and Angels

Saints and Angels

Antonio Boselli (Bergamo 1480 ca - 1532)


detached fresco mounted on canvas


St. FrancisSt. Francis

St. Francis

school of Bernardo Zenale (Treviglio 1460 – Milano, 1526)


tempera and oil on board

99 × 31.2 cm

inv. 987

St. John the BaptistSt. John the Baptist

St. John the Baptist

Bernardo Zenale (Treviglio 1460 – Milano, 1526)


tempera and oil on panel

99 × 31.2 cm

inv. 988

Saint JustineSaint Justine

Saint Justine

Giovanni Bellini (Venezia 1430 ca – 1516)

1470 ca

tempera on panel

129 × 55 cm

inv. 986