Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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Sculpture Collection

Sculpture Collection

Low reliefs embedded in the courtyards of the Palace or incorporated as fixed furnishings inside the residence constitute the most important nucleus of this collection. Despite the small number of works, there are problematic artifacts both in terms of attribution and chronological definition. Still to be understood is also the level of awareness of the two Bagatti Valsecchi brothers regarding works whose 19th-century creation is now confirmed, as in the case of Alceo Dossena's 'Flagellation of Christ.

Madonna with Christ Child and DonorMadonna with Christ Child and Donor

Madonna with Christ Child and Donor

Bottega di Bonino da Campione

mid 14th century


66 × 68 cm

inv. 1043

Madonna col BambinoMadonna col Bambino

Madonna col Bambino

Manifattura siciliana

fine XV secolo

statua in marmo


Madonna con il BambinoMadonna con il Bambino

Madonna con il Bambino

Scultore lombardo

prima metà del XIV secolo


200 × 51 cm

inv. 1042



scope of Tommaso Rodari

beginning of the 16th century


167 × 77 cm

inv. 972

Judith with the Head of HolofernesJudith with the Head of Holofernes

Judith with the Head of Holofernes

Tommaso Rodari

beginning of the 16th century


167 × 77 cm

inv. 971

Adoration of the shepherdsAdoration of the shepherds

Adoration of the shepherds

Bottega dei De Donati (?)

beginning of the 16th century

polychrome wood

49 × 41 cm

inv. 1038

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Madonna with Christ Child and DonorMadonna with Christ Child and Donor

Madonna with Christ Child and Donor

Bottega di Bonino da Campione

mid 14th century


66 × 68 cm

inv. 1043

Madonna col BambinoMadonna col Bambino

Madonna col Bambino

Manifattura siciliana

fine XV secolo

statua in marmo


Madonna con il BambinoMadonna con il Bambino

Madonna con il Bambino

Scultore lombardo

prima metà del XIV secolo


200 × 51 cm

inv. 1042



scope of Tommaso Rodari

beginning of the 16th century


167 × 77 cm

inv. 972

Judith with the Head of HolofernesJudith with the Head of Holofernes

Judith with the Head of Holofernes

Tommaso Rodari

beginning of the 16th century


167 × 77 cm

inv. 971

Adoration of the shepherdsAdoration of the shepherds

Adoration of the shepherds

Bottega dei De Donati (?)

beginning of the 16th century

polychrome wood

49 × 41 cm

inv. 1038