Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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Glass Collection

Glass Collection

In line with the domestic nature of the Bagatti Valsecchi displays are the glass pieces in the dining room’s display cabinets. The artifacts are arranged alongside ceramic plates and stands, creating a dense composition where works from different eras are freely juxtaposed for decorative impact. The preferences of the two brothers lean towards Murano production, represented by glass pieces spanning a broad chronological range from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century.



after Venezia

end of the 17th century

aquamarine and trasparent glass

height: 17.5 cm

inv. 521



after Venezia

fine del XVI secolo

vetro trasparente

height: 25 cmØ 4.5 cm

inv. 517

Little vase “Kuttrolf”Little vase “Kuttrolf”

Little vase “Kuttrolf”

Venezia o “à la façon de Venise”

opalescent glass

height: 30 cm

inv. 565

Pharmaceutical bottlePharmaceutical bottle

Pharmaceutical bottle

after Venezia

second half of the 16th century

transparent glass and decorations in “milk glass”

height: 22 cm

inv. 558

Compote bowlCompote bowl

Compote bowl

after Venezia

18th century

trasparent glass, colored glass paste

height: 15 cm

inv. 540

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after Venezia

end of the 17th century

aquamarine and trasparent glass

height: 17.5 cm

inv. 521



after Venezia

fine del XVI secolo

vetro trasparente

height: 25 cmØ 4.5 cm

inv. 517

Little vase “Kuttrolf”Little vase “Kuttrolf”

Little vase “Kuttrolf”

Venezia o “à la façon de Venise”

opalescent glass

height: 30 cm

inv. 565

Pharmaceutical bottlePharmaceutical bottle

Pharmaceutical bottle

after Venezia

second half of the 16th century

transparent glass and decorations in “milk glass”

height: 22 cm

inv. 558

Compote bowlCompote bowl

Compote bowl

after Venezia

18th century

trasparent glass, colored glass paste

height: 15 cm

inv. 540