Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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Dining Room

The room wishes to combine Renaissance collections and decorations with nineteenth-century furnishing elements. The walls are covered by four large panels made up of a pair of Flemish tapestries. There are four cartouches above the doors which state mottos on food and gluttony, in correlation to the use of the room. Inside the majestic fireplace there is a collection of sixteenth-seventeenth-century kitchen tools. The room is also enriched by the presence of precious ceramics both on the dining table and in the four display cases on the walls.

The space is particularly suitable for aperitifs, lunches and gala dinners.

In the wooden part above the doors:

Vinum senectutis hilaritas

Wine is the cheer of old age

Fames optimus coquus

Hunger is the best cook

Comede cum laetitia

Eat with joy

In temperantia sanitas

Good health is in temperance

Grand Salon

Dining Room
