Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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The Grand Salon is the largest room in the Bagatti Valsecchi house and was the family's place of representation par excellence; to make it more majestic, a double-height room was created, adorned with a wooden coffered ceiling embellished with golden pine cones. The walls are enriched by a precious 19th-century tapestry, customized with lilies and the Bagatti Valsecchi coat of arms. A frescoed frieze runs under the ceiling, while wooden boiserie is applied to the walls. An articulated lighting system makes the Hall of Honor shine in all its sumptuousness.

The space is suitable for multiple events, such as presentations, conferences, conventions, meetings, inaugurations, aperitifs, lunches or gala dinners.

To the left of the wooden choir stalls:


Praise the past, but live our present (literally, our time)

(Ovid, Fasti / The Book of Days, I, v.225)

To the right of the wooden choir stalls:

Carpe diem quam minimum credulus postero

Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in tomorrow

Horace, Odes, I, 11

On the wooden wall revetment on the via Santo Spirito side

Nosce te ipsum

Know yourself

motto chiseled on the temple of Apollo at Delphi, on which Socrates founded his philosophy

On the wooden wall revetment on the via Santo Spirito side

Ars s(a)eculor(um) victrix

The winning art of the centuries

motto found in the council chamber of a big building in via Filodrammatici in Milan

On the wooden wall revetment on the via Santo Spirito side

Ars sibi praemium

Art is its own reward

motto found in the council chamber of a big building in via Filodrammatici in Milan

On the wooden wall revetment on the via Santo Spirito side

Respice finem

Keep your eye on the goal (literally: look to the goal)

Petrarch, De remediis, cap.17

To the left of the fireplace

Amicum secundae res parant adversae probant

Favorable circumstances procure friends, adversity puts them to the test

Pseudo Seneca, Book of Morals

To the right of the fireplace

Rebus angustis animosus atque fortis appare

In difficult situations, show yourself to be courageous and strong

Horace, Odes, II, 10

On the wooden wall revetment on the via Gesù side

Quaere verum

Seek truth

On the wooden wall revetment on the via Gesù side

Ars patriae decus

Art honors the homeland

On the wooden wall revetment on the via Gesù side

Ars vox amoris

Art, the voice of love

Festina lente

Hurry up, slowly

(Suetonius, Life of Augustus, cap. 25)

On the right hand pilaster of the door on the right of the wooden choir stalls: Ars lo(n)ga vita brevis Art is long, life is short