Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
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Room of the Valtellinese Bed

Fausto’s bedroom has some of the most important pieces in the Bagatti Valsecchi collection. Among these are the sixteenth century polyptych of the Virgin and Christ Child with Saints by Giampietrino, as well as the bed decorated with masterfully carved high wooden reliefs coming from the Visconti Venosta mansion in Grosio (Valtellina). The care and originality of the details contributes to the refinement of the room. A marble pavement simulates a fringed carpet, while in the ceiling’s coffers the intertwined letters of Fausto’s name alternate with Bagatti Valsecchi family crests.

On the left half of the door giving into the Valtellinese Bedroom: VITA SI SCIAS UTI LONGA EST Life, if you know how to use it, is long (Seneca, De brevitate vitae, II)

In the lunette over the door: AVE MARIA GRATIA PLENA Hail, Mary, full of grace

In the frieze: AEDIFICA TAMQUAM SEMPER VIVITURUS ET VIVE QUASI PROTINUS MORITURUS. QUOD SI FECERIS TIBI VITAM IN PERPETUO APUD DEUM ET MORTALES POLLICEOR Build as if you’re going to live forever, and live as if you’re going to die, soon. If you do this, I promise you’ll live forever with God and mortals. (The beginning is inspired by the motto of the Ricci Armani family of Pontremoli)

In the fireplace: DUM MEU(S) ASSIDUO LUCEAT IGNE FOCUS As long as my hearth glimmers with a continual fire (Tibullus, Elegies, I, 1, v.6)

On the credenza under the painting by Giampietrino: NUMQUAM RETRORSUM Never turn back


Room of the Valtellinese Bed

Fausto’s Bathroom